Friday, February 12, 2010

The "i-Touch and Go" Genealogy Girls

Rain nor snow, broken knees nor dark of night will keep the You Go Genealogy Girls down for long. The cold and snowy winter set in to keep us couped up but it hasn't dampened the girls' love for shopping.

The YGGG have both purchased great little new toys just to lift our spirits and get us through the "cabin fever" days. The mighty little Apple iPod Touch has come to our rescue.

What an awesome little genealogy research tool the iTouch is. If you can imagine a use for this small handheld computer,there is probably an application for it. The iTouch works with both a Mac and a PC so anybody can use it. Genealogy software like Reunion and Family Viewer make it the ultimate portable research tool. In my case, I am a PC user so I will transfer all my family files from Legacy into Family Viewer but I also have installed Reunion so that I can now have the Reunion family files from Girl #1 who uses a Mac. When I visit her next week she will sync her files to my iTouch and for the first time I will have full access to all her files and especially the sources and pictures! For me it is a great and inexpensive way to access Mac/Reunion only files which do not fully transfer via the Gedcom. The You Go Genealogy Girls have been like kids in a candy store. Hours of shopping in the iTunes application store has been almost as fun as picking out all those tasty flavored jelly beans that we love so much. News, music, genealogy software, reference apps, book readers, Google Earth and many hundreds of other neat tools and apps are available to download. The genealogy apps cost a small fee but hundreds of others are totally free to download. Would you like a LED alarm clock, a flashlight, solitare game, soduku games? They offer that and much more. My personal favorite: a level. It is great, don't have clue what I will ever use it for but surely it will come in handy-sooner or later. Maybe we'll try it out on our Lit'l Red traveling car before we leave for Salt lake. After all, we wouldn't want her nose snooty and held too high in the air while dragging her rear due to all the books and "stuff" stored in her trunk. That handy little level might help to smooth out the load!

Even though we aren't ready to completely give up our travel laptops-just imagine the even greater possibilities that this little iTouch beauty offers. Quick pocket portability with full function internet. Best of all, it takes very little room in our research bag, thus it is worth it's weight in gold. Gold in the form of space so we can buy more genealogy and history books, souvenir t-shirts and pins, tree charts and jelly beans. Did I mention room for MORE books?

The girls are anxious to be on the road, now energized with our iTouch brain power. Life was already great but we can use all the help we can get!

Be on the lookout for our Lit'l Red car and us of course. We'll be the dangerous ones on the inside of Lit'l Red. A cell phone in one hand, the iTouch in the other, the seat filled with our laptops and visiting wildly with a mouthful of those sugary jelly beans. That just about leaves "one eye on the road", a spare finger for the wheel, and a foot for the gas pedal. Zoooooom and compute, that is us!

We invite you to join us for our ongoing saga....


  1. Aw, lucky you. Those genealogy features are making the iPod Touch more and more attractive. I use Mac and Reunion, so I want to get one of these little thingies before too long. My older daughter has one, and she uses it for so many things, including downloading books.

  2. Hey YGGG! I loved my iTouch so much I got right to work and have published an app for The Genealogy Gems Podcast. What I love is that I can include bonus content just for iTouch / iPhone users (videos, wallpaper, pdf files, etc) It's an amazing little workhorse! You can find it by searching "Genealogy Gems" in the app store. You Go Girls!

  3. MMMM. Me thinks I should go have a look at this latest piece of technology. Will it let me inventory jelly beans?



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