Showing posts with label trading cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trading cards. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aren't We Cute!

We thought you all might enjoy seeing our new trading card!  Sheri Beffort Fenley over at her Face Book page, who is also The Educated Genealogist, created this fun page for genealogists to post their own trading cards or you can go and make one at Big Huge Labs. There are already a bunch of fun cards that have been created and uploaded on the FB group page.

If you haven't been there yet, stop over and check out the group Genealogy Blogger Trading Cards. Thanks Sheri, this is fun project for all of us and something we can print out and share if we choose to. I stayed up until the early morning hours a couple nights ago, just playing around with card designs and looking at the others that have been added on the site. Some are serious, some will bring a smile. Join in for some fun...!

Thanks again to all our great readers and for the kind awards they have recently bestowed on us. Thanks to all these ladies and we urge you to check out their  great genealogy blogs!

One Lovely Blog award  from:
Cindy Harriss, Generations of Germans
Shelly Bishop, A Sense of Family
Mary Hellman,  Mary Jane's Genes

You Go Genealogy Girl #2--Cheri
I see that I am still #2, can't I be #1 just for a day?


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