What a busy last week for Go Girl #2! This Grandma is totally exhausted and worn out but we had a fun time and are now preparing for another jaunt to Cheyenne, Wyoming tomorrow with more family for a few days.
Day 1 towards Kansas last week: We drove to North Platte, Nebraska with plans to visit with Go Girl #1 for several hours. A wheel bearing went out on our travel trailer so my husband spent the afternoon while there repairing that, I on the other hand went with Go Girl 1 and we visited, caught up on some genealogy findings, had supper with family and dreamed about our next trip which will be to Sheridan, Wyoming on July 17-18 for the Family History Expo there.
Day 2, we arrived in Topeka, Kansas late in the day. Got hugs and kisses from all the family, which includes 8 grandchildren! We saw our newest Granddaughter, Penny, for only the second time. She has grown and is of course a beautiful baby. Rested and planned the rest of the stay.
Day 3, Topeka. Up at 5 am which was really 4 am our time--oh my! Our son and wife participate in a local farmers market on weekends so we went with them to do that on Sat. They bake wonderful homemade breads, rolls etc. It was really fun and a beautiful morning to get out together. There were great foods there, crafts, artisans, flowers and more--all handmade or homemade. At least 200 vendors to look at. Of course we sampled many great foods too.
Day 4, Topeka. We all packed up our camping gear and headed to the local lake for several days of family and fun. Temperature and humidity were rising! Kids went to the beach and the adults were miserable in the heat. Wild turkeys and deer and other critters were abundant! We were surprised by a "peeping Tom" one evening as a raccoon got on one of the lawn chairs and peeked in our camper window. I have pictures of his muddy paw prints for evidence.
Day 5, Topeka. The temp was already 97 and the humidity was 83 % and moving up! Boy, did that country make me long for "dry old Nebraska"! By noon it was 105, 87% humidity and 113 heat index. The only good thing is that I MIGHT have lost a few pounds from sweating so much, hope-hope. One of the youngest granddaughters lost two baby teeth and the oldest got a bad sunburn. A typical family, I think? By night fall, we had made alternate plans to the days of camping.
Day6, Topeka. Home to the city we went. "Air conditioning" was on our minds. We parked the camper in front of our son's house the rest of the week. We cooked out that evening and played games with the kids in the cool house. That was great. Grandma was trying to plan a trip to the library to do a little research but free time in a family of 10 is hard to come by.
Day 7, Topeka. Yea--Grandma and Grandpa go to the library. MORE AIR CONDITIONING! I actually got 1/2 hour of looking in the genealogy sections before we got called back for supper. Alas, some time is better than no time. My next strategy was to try and visit a small cemetery that I had seen on the way to the lake. Don't know what is wrong with all my family, they just don't see the draw of cemeteries. They look at fireworks stands and putt-putt golf land. I am not sure there is any hope for them!!!!
Day 8, Topeka. Cemetery here I come, Grandpa took me by and I got to take some great photos. It was again over 100 degrees so the hike through it will wait till Go Girl 1 and I can trek back that way again. It was dated 1875 and WE will scout out every inch of it! I got to go back to the Topeka library for another hour. Granddaughter, Abby, had her 4th birthday. Cake, ice cream and presents. It was a great time and of course we took lots of pics for posterity. Packing up to head home soon.
All week, we also managed to bake almost 50 loves of bread, more rolls and muffins so the kids would be ready for the farmers market again on Saturday past. Everything is only from "scratch". Busy, busy.......
The food was awesome while we visited. My son and his wife are both awesome cooks and being with family was fun as we only get to do it about 2 times a year now.
Day 9, homeward. It was 5 am and the kids headed to the farmers market while we started back for Nebraska. Three of the Granddaughters and their dog all came home with us! A twelve and a half hour trip back home, plus a flat tire on the trailer and a short stop to say hello again to Go girl #1 in North Platte, Nebraska. We had not heard so many songs and nursery rhymes in years. It was fun, we lunched in the car, played games and made frequent stops! Grandpa and Grandma have a few more gray hairs!!!!
Here we are today, at home, the rest of the family is due in soon and then we head to Wyoming bright and early in the morning.
You Go Girl #1 and myself, #2 will need the trip to Sheridan, Wyoming for the Family History Expo, just to get rested up! Join us there if you can, it should be great fun. We have won an award and will be there IN PERSON. Don't miss THAT once in a lifetime chance. He He!!!!!
Go Girl #2 (today, Go Grannie #2)