Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Kids Don't Say and Do

A little bit ago, YGGG #2 (Cheri) called with a computing question. I didn't have the answer, but told her I would have to ask my twelve year old granddaughter. She's actually twelve going on sixteen and somewhat of a whiz at the computer. That seems to fit most of today's children. If I can't remember how to change the ringtone on my cell phone, I hand it to her. she usually will tell me to do it with her prompts, which I seem to forget a few weeks later. In fact, I have had long-distance genealogy friends who e-mail me asking for the twelve year old's assistance.

She's also a whiz at witching in graveyards. Holding those coat hanger rods, she finds graves where there are no markers, smiles and moves on to another part of the cemetery. Last fall she tried to instruct four of my genealogy pals on how to witch graves. Relax and clear your mind seems to work, but maybe youth plays a part also. Need to locate a grave? I'll loan her to you!

The other day she was patiently waiting to use my computer while I entered some genealogical information. Question granny! Do you ever finish a genealogy? She knew the answer and just grinned when I firmly said NO. So get your own computer kid, I'm busy with mine.

Yesterday she asked how many people were in her genealogy file. Fortunately I could find the answer as my software has that information. There were so many people and so many families listed for each file. She was somewhat shocked at my answer and probably that she would have thousands of relatives. Then she asked what I was entering into her genealogy file. My response was John Brown, the abolitionist. Obviously John Brown is for another history lesson in school, with a follow up at Granny's house.

My great grandson is nine days old. I am a typical grandparent ... he's so cute! His grandparents and I spent an afternoon last week admiring him, handing him back and forth to each other and examining him all over. I think he looks like his father, maybe has his mother's eyes, his aunt's nose and somewhere down the line on his mother's side has pinky fingers that belonged to some ancestor who may have lived in Ireland. Bless those genes! They are so special, but I think he should have his own identity.

Do you ever wonder why you look the way you do? Maybe I should ask the twelve year old. She may have an answer!

YGGG #1 --- Ruby

1 comment:

  1. I'm amazed daily that we get anything done on these computers and we actually think we are smart Grannies. I don't have Grandkids in town to ask but have to call my son almost daily to ask what I know must be a dumb question to him. What would we do...if we had no kids or grandchildren to ask?

    By the way, my came from Grandpa Fred!



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